What is it?

The Building Resistance-Capacitance Modeling (BRCM) Matlab Toolbox facilitates the physical modeling of buildings for MPC. The Toolbox provides a means for the fast generation of (bi-)linear resistance-capacitance type models from basic geometry, construction and building systems data. Moreover, it supports the generation of the corresponding potentially time-varying costs and constraints. The Toolbox is based on validated modeling principles.


  • Generation of a discrete-time bilinear state-space model of the building
  • Loading from / writing to strictly structured building data files
  • Visualization of the building
  • Programmatical parameter manipulation
  • Providing functions to generate time-varying costs and constraints for the MPC optimization
  • Simulation of the model
  • Input data generation from EnergyPlus input data files


The BRCM Toolbox is available via tbxmanager, which simplifies the installation and update of freely available Matlab toolboxes.
To install the BRCM Toolbox for the first time, follow these steps in Matlab:

  1. Install tbxmanager as described on the webpage.
  2. Install BRCM by typing
 tbxmanager install brcm 

To check for updates type

 tbxmanager update 


Can be downloaded here. The most thorough description of the modeling concepts used in the BRCM Toolbox can be found in my PhD thesis here.

The copyright is with the Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich.

The Toolbox is licensed under GPLv3 If you are interested in a different licensing scheme, please contact the Automatic Control Laboratory.


If you have suggestions for improvements or encounter any troubles, just send us an e-mail. We are happy to help!


This Toolbox was developed and is maintained by
David Sturzenegger
Vito Semeraro
Dimitrios Gyalistras
Roy S. Smith

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